Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 First entry by Rene — CORRECTION OF NEGLIGENCE

By French Stu­dent Rene

Mm Sven­son, our chief o school and her best friend, Mme Pre­gen­dast decide to teach me to be stronger to be able to receive an hard whip­ping and not crying.

They explain me the neces­si­ty of this les­son, I was ok (for me it is very impor­tant to agree what Mme Sven­son ask)

So, excep­tion­al­ly, Mme Sven­son will receive me in her own house, with Mme Pre­gen­dast, that accept to trav­el an hour( she is leav­ing in the oppo­site site of Lon­don) only to teach me .

The ses­sion was fixed on Thurs­day at 11.00 A.M in the house of Mme Svenson.

But the night before, between Wednes­day and Thurs­day, at mid­night I find in my box mails an email that call me urgent­ly to Bor­deaux in France for Thurs­day after­noon. The mais said that if I can’t be there I have to all them.

It was too late, I have no choice, I have to trav­el by Eurostar in the morn­ing to PARIS and then by TGV to be on time in Bor­deaux, in he afternoon.

I can’t call to Mme Sven­son at mid­night, so in the morn­ing at Pan­creas sta­tion, I sent her an SMS to inform that I‘ll not be on the les­son, and I ask her to inform Mme Pre­gen­dast so that she didn’t trav­el unnec­es­sar­i­ly so far. 

Lat­er I called her to be sure that se received the mes­sage and she had time to inform Mme Pre­gen­dast, she said me hat it is ok, and that she under­stand me.

But I did not feel good with all that, I thought that that I need to be pun­ished for all the dis­turb I caused.

Final­ly I dis­turb all the morn­ing of 2 women with my problems.

Mme Pre­gen­dast explains to Mme Sven­son that I have to repair this mis­take, the next ses­sion will dur­ing not an hour as she thought before, but 3 hours.

I have to sup­port their spank­ing o the knees, their can­ing and their spe­cial bullwhip.
Mme Sven­son ask me if I am able to receive that, I said: “ok”

Te ses­sion was fixed on the next Thurs­day at 11.00 .AM as the last time.

I was very anx­ious, I knew that the ses­sion will be very painful, but I was also hap­py to receive a pos­si­bil­i­ty to repair my mis­take and also to be again under the author­i­ty of my mar­velous teachers.
I went before the time to be sur not to be late but I did not call. 

I was wait­ing on 11.00 A.M

Mme Sven­son saw me by the win­dow and phoned me to go in

She was inside beau­ti­ful wit her long dark skirt , Mme Pre­gen­dast also was here , beau­ti­ful. They ask me to seat between them, they explain me that they expect I ll be to strong to receive the hard les­son but that they help me.

They served me a cup of tea and a lit­tle glass of whisky.

Mme Pre­gen­dast asked me, René , what do you think about my belt, I answered it is very beau­ti­full on You.
She said me;” you”ll taste it. I am an expert of hard belt whipping”

And Mme Sven­son said me: ”René, for you I bought a very beau­ti­ful bull­whip, You’ll taste it also”

René, we’ll leave on your back­side and your ass our beau­ti­ful marks, are you ok with that?
You know that I don’t make any­thing with­out your ok?”
Now, if you are ok, yu have to sign this and after that no return, ok?”

Mme Pre­gen­dast take me at the table and ask me to write that:”I’m ok with all that decide .Mme Sven­son and, Mme Pre­gen­dast and that I can’t attack them in jus­tice about what we decide together”

The cor­rec­tion begins. They decide that, Mme Pre­gen­dast has to begin because she was the first con­traries by my fault

She take me strong­ly o her knees, in the sofa. Now René You will receive the first hand puni­tion, ten min­utes of spank­ing; that begin slow­ly but after 5 min­utes my ass was burning.

The first spank­ing was with my trousers.

Mme Sven­son ask me to put down my trousers ; I was till on the knees of Mme Pre­gen­dast but they spank togeth­er, I though I can’t receive more.

But I did not say any­thing I was afraid to speak.

Mme Sven­son said to Mme Pre­gen­dast we have 3 hours to cor­rect our student.

René to keep courage and force , i3ll serve you a cup of tea and anoth­er glas of whisky.
I said:” thank You” and they drink with me

After that, Mme Pre­gen­dast said,:”now we begin the belt whip­ping pun­ish­ment, Mme Sven­son begin now.”

Mme Pre­gen­dast gave her, her per­son­nal belt and said;” You begin, I have to finish”
Mme Sven­son said:” I pun­ish the ass and Mme Pre­gen­dast said I pun­ished and mark the backside”

After the spank­ing my ass was red but now after the 25 lash­es of Mme Sven­son my ass was bloody

Mme Pre­gen­dast said:” now you’ll under­stand why I am called the mis­tress of the belt”
She lashed me very strong­ly 25 on my back­side? Mme Sven­son took strong­ly my arms .
It was very hard I asked a lit­tle pause.

Mme Sven­son decides, René received the pun­ish­ment very hard we can give him a lit­tle pause.
They as me again to seat between them in the sofa and then they count the marks on my ass and my backside

They put me in front of the mir­ror and I have to say if this mark is from Mme Sven­son or Mme Pregendast

Mme Pre­gen­dast said:” René; we are very proud of you we don’t give the can­ing but we have to use the spe­cial bull­whip of Mme Sven­son; Are you ok?”

Now, we have to attach you for you own secu­ri­ty, if you are mov­ing, the bull­whip can be very dan­ger­ous, but you are so brave that we decide to give you only ten lash­es, each one.
The bull­whip cut my ass and my back­side, after that they said:” now you are our own stu­dent, we are very proud for you!”
Then, they decid­ed to apply myself a care cream on the back, I was again on their knees but now they took care of me.
Thank You Mme Sven­son and Mme Pegendast

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